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Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit

Außenstandort Campus in Kulmbach

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König, Laura M.; Crusius, Jan
Die Wissenschaftskommunikation braucht einen Ehrenkodex
In: wissenschaftskommunikation.de
09. Dezember 2020
https://www.wissenschaftskommunikation.de/die-wiss ...

König, Laura M.
Essen, was (vermutlich) schmeckt : Wie Geschmackserwartungen Ernährung und Gesundheit beeinflus ...
In: In Mind Blog
21. September 2020
https://de.in-mind.org/blog/post/essen-was-vermutl ...

Grenzfurtner, Wolfgang; Loike, Kristina; Gronalt, Manfred
Collaboration with suppliers in construction supply chain planning : analysis of different appr ...
Logistics Research Network Conference 2020 'Sustainable and resilient supply chains during times of crises', Cardiff, UK

Grenzfurtner, Wolfgang; Mayrhofer, Richard; Rudberg, Martin; Loike, Kristina; Gronalt, Manfred
Analysing effects of industrialised housebuilding companies' production principles on applied p ...
36th ARCOM Conference, Glasgow, UK

König, Laura M.
Ecological Momentary Assessment of eating behaviour
doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/8KQ67 ...
EHPS Online Scientific Meeting,

Romero Bueno, Raquel; Gómez-Saldívar, Georgina; Dobrzynska, Agnieszka; Rojas, Marta; Ayuso, Cristina; Meister, Peter; Riedel, Christian G.; Askjaer, Peter
The role of nuclear envelope proteins BAF-1 and MEL-28 in chromatin organisation
European Worm Meeting, online

Purnhagen, Kai; Wesseler, Justus
The SAMs Report “Towards a Sustainable Food System” bites the hand that feeds us!
In: European Law Blog
08. Juni 2020
https://europeanlawblog.eu/2020/06/08/the-sams-rep ...

Grosche, Nils
Staatliche Krisen­reaktionen und die unteilbare Umwelt für den Grundrechts­gebrauch
In: Verfassungsblog
13. April 2020
https://verfassungsblog.de/staatliche-krisenreakti ...

Protic, Sonja Maria; Fikar, Christian; Voegl, Jana; Gronalt, Manfred
Analysing the impact of value added services at intermodal inland terminals
In: International Journal of Logistics : Research and Applications Bd. 23 (2020) Heft 2. - S. 159-177
doi:10.1080/13675567.2019.1657386 ...

Schenke, Maren; Schjeide, Brit-Maren; Püschel, Gerhard P.; Seeger, Bettina
Analysis of Motor Neurons Differentiated from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for the Use ...
In: Toxins Bd. 12 (2020) Heft 5
doi:10.3390/toxins12050276 ...

Wiegel, Silvia
Der Beitrag von ‚Seniorengenossenschaften‘ zur sozialen Integration alter Menschen
In: Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen Bd. 43 (2020) Heft 3. - S. 335-351
doi:10.5771/0344-9777-2020-3-335 ...

Purnhagen, Kai; van Zeben, Josephine; Ahlborn, Christiane; Oosterveer, Peter
Beyond Food Safety : EU Food Information Standards as a Facilitator of Political Consumerism an ...
In: European Law Review Bd. 45 (2020) . - S. 553-568
doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.23221.42721 ...

Bartelmeß, Tina; Godemann, Jasmin
Corporate Perspectives on Responsibility and Sustainability in the Food System : a (Food) Commu ...
In: Sustainability Bd. 12 (2020) Heft 5
doi:10.3390/su12052024 ...

Smit, Eline S.; Newby, Katie; König, Laura M.
Digital Health and Computer-Tailoring : Opportunities and Challenges in Moving the Field Forwar ...
In: European Health Psychologist Bd. 21 (2020) Heft 2. - S. 641-642
https://ehps.net/ehp/index.php/contents/article/vi ...

Klauder, Julia; Henkel, Janin; Vahrenbrink, Madita; Wohlenberg, Anne-Sophie; Camargo, Rodolfo Gonzalez; Püschel, Gerhard Paul
Direct and indirect modulation of LPS-induced cytokine production by insulin in human macrophag ...
In: Cytokine Bd. 136 (2020)
doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2020.155241 ...

Henkel-Oberländer, Janin
Einfluss von Prostaglandin E2 auf die Entstehung von Insulinresistenz und die Regulation der En ...
Universität Potsdam, 2020
(Habilitation, 2021, )

Purnhagen, Kai
From Supranationality to Managing Diversity : A (Re-)New(ed) Paradigm for the Establishment of ...
Internal Market 2.0
Oxford : Hart, 2020. - S. 285-311 . - (Modern Studies in European Law)

Risius, Antje; König, Laura M.
Gemeinsam für eine nachhaltige Ernährung der Zukunft : Perspektiven und Handlungsmöglichkeiten ...
In: DGEwissen (2020) Heft 3. - S. 20-23

König, Laura M.
Dem gesunden Essverhalten auf der Spur : Psychologische Ernährungsforschung an der Universität ...
In: Spektrum Bd. 16 (2020) Heft 2. - S. 26-29
https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/5734/1/spektrum_2020- ...

König, Laura M.; Roomaney, Rizwana; Cipolletta, Sabrina
Health psychologists' responses to Covid-19, as reported by the National Delegates of the Europ ...
In: European Health Psychologist Bd. 21 (2020) Heft 4. - S. 663-669
https://ehps.net/ehp/index.php/contents/article/vi ...

Wahidin, Dasep; Purnhagen, Kai
How to Design Genetically Modified Food Labeling Regulation in Indonesia : Taking Science, Trad ...
In: Indonesian Law Review Bd. 10 (2020) Heft 2. - S. 207-227
http://ilrev.ui.ac.id/index.php/home/article/view/ ...

Purnhagen, Kai
Innovationen im Lebensmittelrecht
In: Spektrum Bd. 16 (2020) Heft 2. - S. 6-11

Treu, Axel; Kokesch-Himmelreich, Julia; Walter, Kerstin; Hölscher, Christoph; Römpp, Andreas
Integrating High-Resolution MALDI Imaging into the Development Pipeline of Anti-Tuberculosis Dr ...
In: Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Bd. 31 (2020) Heft 11. - S. 2277-2286
doi:10.1021/jasms.0c00235 ...

Schell, Mareike; Chudoba, Chantal; Leboucher, Antoine; Alfine, Eugenia; Flore, Tanina; Ritter, Katrin; Weiper, Katharina; Wernitz, Andreas; Henkel, Janin; Kleinridders, André
Interplay of Dietary Fatty Acids and Cholesterol Impacts Brain Mitochondria and Insulin Action
In: Nutrients Bd. 12 (2020) Heft 5
doi:10.3390/nu12051518 ...

Dorlach, Tim; Mertenskötter, Paul
Interpreters of International Economic Law : Corporations and Bureaucrats in Contest over Chile ...
In: Law & Society Review Bd. 54 (2020) Heft 3. - S. 571-606
doi:10.1111/lasr.12495 ...

Wesseler, Justus; Purnhagen, Kai
Is the Covid‐19 Pandemic a Game Changer in GMO Regulation?
In: EuroChoices Bd. 19 (2020) Heft 3. - S. 49-52
doi:10.1111/1746-692X.12301 ...

Schebesta, Hanna; Purnhagen, Kai
Island or Ocean : Empirical Evidence on the Average Consumer Concept in the UCPD
In: European Review of Private Law Bd. 28 (2020) Heft 2. - S. 293-310
http://www.kluwerlawonline.com/api/Product/Citatio ...

Schebesta, Hanna; Purnhagen, Kai
Limits to Behavioural Consumer Law and Policy : The case of EU Alcohol Labelling
Consumer Law and Economics
Cham : Springer, 2020. - S. 283-298 . - (Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship; 9)
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-49028-7_13 ...

Fikar, Christian
Model-driven decision support to facilitate efficient fresh food deliveries
In: Die Bodenkultur : Journal of Land Management, Food and Environment Bd. 71 (2020) Heft 1. - S. 1-9
doi:10.2478/boku-2020-0001 ...

Purnhagen, Kai; de Ruijter, Anniek; Flear, Mark L.; Hervey, Tamara K.; Herwig, Alexia
More Competences than You Knew? : The Web of Health Competence for European Union Action in Res ...
In: European Journal of Risk Regulation Bd. 11 (2020) Heft 2. - S. 297-306
doi:10.1017/err.2020.35 ...

Wittek, Oliver; Kokesch-Himmelreich, Julia; Römpp, Andreas
MS Imaging von prozessierten Lebensmitteln am Beispiel von Acrylamid in Elisenlebkuchen
In: Lebensmittelchemie Bd. 74 (2020) Heft S1
doi:10.1002/lemi.202051025 ...

van Zeben, Josephine; Purnhagen, Kai
Nieuwe wetgeving voor een hongerige planeet
10 Miljard Monden
Amsterdam : Prometheus, 2020

Ziesemer, Katrin; König, Laura M.; Boushey, Carol Jo; Villinger, Karoline; Wahl, Deborah R.; Butscher, Simon; Müller, Jens; Reiterer, Harald; Schupp, Harald T.; Renner, Britta
Occurrence of and Reasons for "Missing Events" in Mobile Dietary Assessments : Results From Thr ...
In: JMIR mHealth and uHealth Bd. 8 (2020) Heft 10
doi:10.2196/15430 ...

König, Laura M.
On the trail of healthy eating behaviour : Studying the psychology of eating at the University ...
In: Spektrum : The Science Magazine of the University of Bayreuth Bd. 16 (2020) Heft 2. - S. 26-29
https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/5804/1/spektrum-2020- ...

Eriksson, Dennis; Custers, René; Edvardsson Björnberg, Karin; Hansson, Sven Ove; Purnhagen, Kai; Qaim, Matin; Romeis, Jörg; Schiemann, Joachim; Schleissing, Stephan; Tosun, Jale; Visser, Richard G. F.
Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs : Post-authorization and Beyond
In: Trends in Biotechnology Bd. 38 (2020) Heft 5. - S. 465-467
doi:10.1016/j.tibtech.2019.12.015 ...

Eriksson, Dennis; Custers, René; Edvardsson Björnberg, Karin; Hansson, Sven Ove; Purnhagen, Kai; Qaim, Matin; Romeis, Jörg; Schiemann, Joachim; Schleissing, Stephan; Tosun, Jale; Visser, Richard G. F.
Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs : Risk Governance
In: Trends in Biotechnology Bd. 38 (2020) Heft 4. - S. 349-351
doi:10.1016/j.tibtech.2019.12.016 ...

Eriksson, Dennis; Custers, René; Edvardsson Björnberg, Karin; Hansson, Sven Ove; Purnhagen, Kai; Qaim, Matin; Romeis, Jörg; Schiemann, Joachim; Schleissing, Stephan; Tosun, Jale; Visser, Richard G. F.
Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs : Scope and Definitions
In: Trends in Biotechnology Bd. 38 (2020) Heft 3. - S. 231-234
doi:10.1016/j.tibtech.2019.12.002 ...

Granet, Elijah Zachary; Cranmer, Frank
Re S (Parental Alienation: Cult)
In: Law & Justice : the Christian Law Review Bd. 184 (2020) . - S. 118
doi:10.2139/ssrn.3698248 ...

Ferschl, Susanne; Allmeta, Anila; Fleuren, Tobias; Weege, Mayra; Abu-Omar, Karim; Gelius, Peter
Scaling-up auch in der Bewegungsförderung? Konzepte, Handlungsleitfäden und praktische Tipps zu ...
In: Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport Bd. 36 (2020) Heft 3. - S. 119-126
doi:10.1055/a-1153-5882 ...

Granet, Elijah Zachary
The "Third Direction" in the Age of Miller/Cherry : Lex Suprema Lex?
In: The City Law Review Bd. 2 (2020) . - S. 28-44

Bartelmeß, Tina
Unternehmerische Ernährungskommunikation und -verantwortung : eine konstruktivistische Betracht ...
Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler, 2020. - XXII, 380 S.
doi:10.1007/978-3-658-29401-4 ...

Wahl, Deborah R.; Villinger, Karoline; Blumenschein, Michael; König, Laura M.; Ziesemer, Katrin; Sproesser, Gudrun; Schupp, Harald T.; Renner, Britta
Why we eat what we eat : Assessing dispositional and in-the-moment eating motives by using Ecol ...
In: JMIR mHealth and uHealth Bd. 8 (2020) Heft 1
doi:10.2196/13191 ...

Auepanwiriyakul, Chaiyawan; Waibel, Sigourney; Songa, Joanna; Bentley, Paul; Faisal, A. Aldo
Accuracy and Acceptability of Wearable Motion Tracking for Inpatient Monitoring Using Smartwatc ...
In: Sensors Bd. 20 (2020) Heft 24
doi:10.3390/s20247313 ...

Auepanwiriyakul, Chaiyawan; Waibel, Sigourney; Songa, Joanna; Bentley, Paul; Faisal, A. Aldo
Accuracy and Acceptability of Wearable Motion Tracking Smartwatches for Inpatient Monitoring
Accuracy and Acceptability of Wearable Motion Tracking Smartwatches for Inpatient Monitoring
medRxiv, 2020
doi:10.1101/2020.07.24.20160663 ...

Gnad, Thorsten; Navarro, Gemma; Lahesmaa, Minna; Reverte-Salisa, Laia; Copperi, Francesca; Cordomi, Arnau; Naumann, Jennifer; Hochhäuser, Aileen; Haufs-Brusberg, Saskia; Wenzel, Daniela; Suhr, Frank; Jespersen, Naja Zenius; Scheele, Camilla; Tsvilovskyy, Volodymyr; Brinkmann, Christian; Rittweger, Joern; Dani, Christian; Kranz, Mathias; Deuther-Conrad, Winnie; Eltzschig, Holger K.; Niemi, Tarja; Taittonen, Markku; Brust, Peter; Nuutila, Pirjo; Pardo, Leonardo; Fleischmann, Bernd K.; Blüher, Matthias; Franco, Rafael; Bloch, Wilhelm; Virtanen, Kirsi A.; Pfeifer, Alexander
Adenosine/A2B Receptor Signaling Ameliorates the Effects of Aging and Counteracts Obesity
In: Cell Metabolism Bd. 32 (2020) Heft 1. - S. 56-70
doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2020.06.006 ...

Mkrtchyan, Garik V.; Abdelmohsen, Kotb; Andreux, Pénélope; Bagdonaite, Ieva; Barzilai, Nir; Brunak, Søren; Cabreiro, Filipe; de Cabo, Rafael; Campisi, Judith; Cuervo, Ana Maria; Demaria, Marco; Ewald, Collin Y.; Fang, Evandro Fei; Faragher, Richard; Ferrucci, Luigi; Freund, Adam; Silva-García, Carlos G.; Georgievskaya, Anastasia; Gladyshev, Vadim N.; Glass, David J.; Gorbunova, Vera; de Grey, Aubrey; He, Wei-Wu; Hoeijmakers, Jan; Hoffmann, Eva; Horvath, Steve; Houtkooper, Riekelt H.; Jensen, Majken K.; Jensen, Martin Borch; Kane, Alice; Kassem, Moustapha; de Keizer, Peter; Kennedy, Brian; Karsenty, Gerard; Lamming, Dudley W.; Lee, Kai-Fu; MacAulay, Nanna; Mamoshina, Polina; Mellon, Jim; Molenaars, Marte; Moskalev, Alexey; Mund, Andreas; Niedernhofer, Laura; Osborne, Brenna; Pak, Heidi H.; Parkhitko, Andrey; Raimundo, Nuno; Rando, Thomas A.; Rasmussen, Lene Juel; Reis, Carolina; Riedel, Christian G.; Franco-Romero, Anais; Schumacher, Björn; Sinclair, David A.; Suh, Yousin; Taub, Pam R.; Toiber, Debra; Treebak, Jonas T.; Valenzano, Dario Riccardo; Verdin, Eric; Vijg, Jan; Young, Sergey; Zhang, Lei; Bakula, Daniela; Zhavoronkov, Alex; Scheibye-Knudsen, Morten
ARDD 2020 : from aging mechanisms to interventions
In: Aging Bd. 12 (2020) Heft 24. - S. 24484-24503
doi:10.18632/aging.202454 ...
7. Jahrestreffen zur Alterungsforschung und Arzneimittelforschung (ARDD), online

Bachtiger, Patrik; Plymen, Carla M.; Pabari, Punam A.; Howard, James P.; Whinnett, Zachary I.; Opoku, Felicia; Janering, Stephen; Faisal, A. Aldo; Francis, Darrel P.; Peters, Nicholas S.
Artificial Intelligence, Data Sensors and Interconnectivity : Future Opportunities for Heart Fa ...
In: Cardiac Failure Review Bd. 6 (2020)
doi:10.15420/cfr.2019.14 ...

Haar, Shlomi; Faisal, A. Aldo
Brain Activity Reveals Multiple Motor-Learning Mechanisms in a Real-World Task
In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Bd. 14 (2020)
doi:10.3389/fnhum.2020.00354 ...

Haar, Shlomi; Faisal, A. Aldo
Brain activity reveals multiple motor-learning mechanisms in a real-world task
Brain activity reveals multiple motor-learning mechanisms in a real-world task
bioRxiv, 2020
doi:10.1101/2020.03.04.976951 ...

Sen, Ilke; Zhou, Xin; Chernobrovkin, Alexey; Puerta-Cavanzo, Nataly; Kanno, Takaharu; Salignon, Jérôme; Stoehr, Andrea; Lin, Xin-Xuan; Baskaner, Bora; Brandenburg, Simone; Björkegren, Camilla; Zubarev, Roman A.; Riedel, Christian G.
DAF-16/FOXO requires Protein Phosphatase 4 to initiate transcription of stress resistance and l ...
In: Nature Communications Bd. 11 (2020) Heft 1
doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13931-7 ...

Villinger, Karoline; Wahl, Deborah R.; König, Laura M.; Ziesemer, Katrin; Butscher, Simon; Müller, Jens; Reiterer, Harald; Schupp, Harald T.; Renner, Britta
Do we know what we enjoy? Accuracy of forecasted eating happiness
In: Frontiers in Psychology Bd. 11 (2020)
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01187 ...

Haar, Shlomi; Sundar, Guhan; Faisal, A. Aldo
Embodied virtual reality for the study of real-world motor learning
Embodied virtual reality for the study of real-world motor learning
bioRxiv, 2020
doi:10.1101/2020.03.19.998476 ...

Altmann, Melina; Altmann, Stefan; Rodriguez, Patricia A.; Weller, Benjamin; Elorduy Vergara, Lena; Palme, Julius; Marín-de la Rosa, Nora; Sauer, Mayra; Wenig, Marion; Villaécija-Aguilar, José Antonio; Sales, Jennifer H.; Lin, Chung-Wen; Pandiarajan, Ramakrishnan; Young, Veronika; Strobel, Alexandra; Gross, Lisa; Carbonnel, Samy; Kugler, Karl G.; Garcia-Molina, Antoni; Bassel, George W.; Falter, Claudia; Mayer, Klaus F. X.; Gutjahr, Caroline; Vlot, A. Corina; Grill, Erwin; Falter-Braun, Pascal
Extensive signal integration by the phytohormone protein network
In: Nature Bd. 583 (2020) Heft 7815. - S. 271-276
doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2460-0 ...

Olayide, Priscilla; Large, Annabel; Stridh, Linnea; Rabbi, Ismail; Baldermann, Susanne; Stavolone, Livia; Alexandersson, Erik
Gene Expression and Metabolite Profiling of Thirteen Nigerian Cassava Landraces to Elucidate St ...
In: Agronomy Bd. 10 (2020) Heft 3
doi:10.3390/agronomy10030424 ...

Grosche, Nils
Gesundheitsschutz der sozial zielgerichteten Nachteile im Unionsrecht : Überlegungen zu einem R ...
In: Zeitschrift für europäisches Sozial- und Arbeitsrecht Bd. 19 (2020) Heft 10. - S. 420-427
doi:10.37307/j.1868-7938.2020.10.06 ...

Millan‐Ariño, Lluís; Yuan, Zuo‐Fei; Oomen, Marlies E.; Brandenburg, Simone; Chernobrovkin, Alexey; Salignon, Jérôme; Körner, Lioba; Zubarev, Roman A.; Garcia, Benjamin A.; Riedel, Christian G.
Histone Purification Combined with High‐Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Examine Histone Post‐Tr ...
In: Current Protocols in Protein Science Bd. 102 (2020) Heft 1
doi:10.1002/cpps.114 ...

Ortega, Pablo; Zhao, Tong; Faisal, A. Aldo
HYGRIP: Full-Stack Characterization of Neurobehavioral Signals (fNIRS, EEG, EMG, Force, and Bre ...
In: Frontiers in Neuroscience Bd. 14 (2020)
doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.00919 ...

Dalle, Sebastiaan; Poffé, Chiel; Hiroux, Charlotte; Suhr, Frank; Deldicque, Louise; Koppo, Katrien
Ibuprofen does not Impair Skeletal Muscle Regeneration Upon Cardiotoxin-Induced Injury
In: Physiological Research Bd. 69 (2020) Heft 5. - S. 847-859
doi:10.33549/physiolres.934482 ...

Peña-Ortiz, Luis; Schlembach, Ivan; Lackner, Gerald; Regestein, Lars
Impact of oxygen supply and scale up on Mycobacterium smegmatis cultivation and mycofactocin fo ...
In: Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Bd. 8 (2020)
doi:10.3389/fbioe.2020.593781 ...

Lenz, Claudius; Wick, Jonas; Braga, Daniel; García‐Altares, María; Lackner, Gerald; Hertweck, Christian; Gressler, Markus; Hoffmeister, Dirk
Injury‐triggered blueing reactions of Psilocybe “magic” mushrooms
In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Bd. 59 (2020) Heft 4. - S. 1450-1454
doi:10.1002/anie.201910175 ...

Abbott, William W.; Harston, J. Alex; Faisal, A. Aldo
Linear Embodied Saliency : a Model of Full-Body Kinematics-based Visual Attention
Linear Embodied Saliency: a Model of Full-Body Kinematics-based Visual Attention
bioRxiv, 2020
doi:10.1101/2020.02.08.938514 ...

Deisenroth, Marc Peter; Faisal, A. Aldo; Ong, Cheng Soon
Mathematics for Machine learning
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020. - xvii, 371 S.

Grosche, Nils
Rezension von: Mödinger, Maximilian: Bessere Rechtsetzung : Leistungsfähigkeit eines europäischen Konzepts. Tü ...
In: Zeitschrift für Gesetzgebung Bd. 35 (2020) Heft 4. - S. 394-398
https://www.juris.de/perma?d=jzs-ZG-2020-04-006-39 ...

Haar, Shlomi; van Assel, Camille M.; Faisal, A. Aldo
Motor learning in real-world pool billiards
In: Scientific Reports Bd. 10 (2020) Heft 1
doi:10.1038/s41598-020-76805-9 ...

Haar, Shlomi; van Assel, Camille M.; Faisal, A. Aldo
Motor learning in real-world pool billiards
Motor learning in real-world pool billiards
bioRxiv, 2020
doi:10.1101/612218 ...

Patel, Brijesh V.; Haar, Shlomi; Handslip, Rhodri; Lee, Teresa Mei-Ling; Patel, Sunil; Harston, J. Alex; Hosking-Jervis, Feargus; Kelly, Donna; Sanderson, Barnaby; Bogatta, Barbara; Tatham, Kate; Welters, Ingeborg; Camporota, Luigi; Gordon, Anthony C.; Komorowski, Matthieu; Antcliffe, David; Prowle, John R.; Puthucheary, Zudin; Faisal, A. Aldo
Natural history, trajectory, and management of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients in the ...
Natural history, trajectory, and management of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients in the United Kingdom
medRxiv, 2020
doi:10.1101/2020.11.10.20226688 ...

Rito Lima, Ines; Haar, Shlomi; Di Grassi, Lucas; Faisal, A. Aldo
Neurobehavioural signatures in race car driving : a case study
In: Scientific Reports Bd. 10 (2020) Heft 1
doi:10.1038/s41598-020-68423-2 ...

Gallego-Delgado, Patricia; James, Rachel; Meng, Joanna; Browne, Eleanor; Umashankar, Swetha; Tan, Li; Picon, Carmen; Mazarakis, Nicholas D.; Faisal, A. Aldo; Howell, Owain W.; Reynolds, Richard
Neuroinflammation in the normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) of the multiple sclerosis brain c ...
In: PLoS Biology Bd. 18 (2020) Heft 12
doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3001008 ...

Shafti, Ali; Tjomsland, Jonas; Dudley, William; Faisal, A. Aldo
Real-world human-robot collaborative reinforcement learning
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2020. - S. 11161-11166
doi:10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341473 ...

Braga, Daniel; Hasan, Mahmudul; Kröber, Tabea; Last, Daniel; Lackner, Gerald
Redox coenzyme F₄₂₀ biosynthesis in Thermomicrobia involves reduction by stand-alone nitroreduc ...
In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology Bd. 86 (2020) Heft 12
doi:10.1128/AEM.00457-20 ...

Albert-Smet, Ignacio; McPherson, Duncan; Navaie, Will; Stocker, Tom; Faisal, A. Aldo
Regulations & exemptions during the COVID-19 pandemic for new medical technology, health servic ...
London, 2020. - 16 S.
doi:10.25561/78559 ...

Peña-Ortiz, Luis; Graça, Ana Patrícia; Guo, Huijuan; Braga, Daniel; Köllner, Tobias G.; Regestein, Lars; Beemelmanns, Christine; Lackner, Gerald
Structure elucidation of the redox cofactor mycofactocin reveals oligo-glycosylation by MftF
In: Chemical Science Bd. 11 (2020) Heft 20. - S. 5182-5190
doi:10.1039/D0SC01172J ...

Grosche, Nils
Die unsichtbare Hand des Staates : Untersuchung zu Möglichkeiten der Gestaltung hoheitlicher Pr ...
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2020. - XI, 395 S. . - (Jus Publicum; 293)

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Dr. Susanne Strebin

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